Friday, May 20, 2011

Its the end of the world as we know it...

Well apparently the world is going to end tomorrow at 6pm EST.  I just wanted to say that if you are taking this seriously, that you need to check yourself into the nearest mental institution.  That people are really preparing for this is proposterous. 

The last rapture that was suppossed to happen was October 28, 1992, I think its safe to say that we came out of that okay.  The world was also supposed to end on January 1, 2000, does everybody remember the Y2K bug, that was supposed to destroy the world and leave it in the dark ages?  Yeah, that didn't happen either.

My point is everyone is eventually is going to die, just not everyone tomorrow, or just the select few, because I am sure someone is going to die tomorrow, just like every day, but not millions of people at once. 

If you are scared of death, don't be, be scared of not living life to its fullest, because you only go around once and this isn't a dress rehersal.  Do the things you have always wanted to do, change things that you want to change, be the person you have always wanted to be!