Monday, February 28, 2011

Fixing Something That is Broken

I know, I know Oscar Night is over and everybody at work at the water cooler has talked about it to death and its now a dead issue. But I might as well add my two cents before midnight hits and then its no longer topical anymore.
I thought the show was good but somethings need to be cleaned up for next year's show.  First, the Academy may want to find a host that wants to be there.  James Franco looked high and that he wanted to do algebra problems rather than host the Oscars.  Dude, you get paid an exorbitant amount of money to act and host and you seemed to be indifferent hosting the show.  My shrubs outside of my house showed more excitement than you.   Please do us a favor, don't host again, Ever!!!

This morning I heard that Franco snubbed his own Oscar Party to go back to New York.  I don't understand the logic, was it that painful to host?  Are they torturing you backstage?  I know you didn't do a good job hosting but if you screw up, do the manly thing and get piss drunk!  People in Hollywood would expect it, appreciate it, and most likely understand it.  Plus, you are throwing an Oscar party, people showed up at your party (Kevin Spacey), enjoy, mingle, network, work the room, Live the Sheen! (pun intended to Charlie, who is a quote machine, right now.) You are coming off an Academy Award Nomination, you could get more roles, better roles other than General Hospital.

Anne Hathaway was excellent and she is pretty easy on the eyes, and she also showed something Franco did not, enthusiasm.  I loved her outfits and how she did make fun of herself, talking about her nude scene in Love and Other Drugs, and not receiving a nomination.  (Note to self: go see Love and Other Drugs, leave after nude scene).  Hopefully they will bring Anne Hathaway back (solo).

I know I am going to catch some crap for this next observation, but let me say that I love Kirk Douglas' movies.  (Spartacus, Champion, Seven Days in May, The Vikings).  He is a legend and I don't like to see legends tarnish their image.  Mr. Douglas has gone through a lot suffering a stroke, learning how to talk again, and I respect him as a person and an actor, but does the Academy need to tarnish him like they did.  He had trouble speaking and the audience had trouble understanding him.  Like most people who are elderly, he kept on rambling, and rambling and it got uncomfortable while waiting for him to say who the Best Supporting Actress was.  The Academy should have done what they have done in years past and had Christoph Waltz (the Best Supporting Actor from 2010) introduce the Best Supporting Actress category.  It would have been less painful and more appropriate and would have followed Oscar tradition.  Academy please don't do that to Mr. Douglas again, he is a legend, and should be treated like one! 

To the Academy, please fix these items, if you want me to watch your telecast next year, thanks for your cooperation in advance!

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