Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Blanket That They Provide!

I read in the newspaper today, that people are protesting military funerals now because of the armed forces stance on Gays in the Military.  People are protesting from 1,000 yards away soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice, with signs that say "Thank God For Dead Soldiers, and God Hates Fags".   A young man who was laid to rest yesterday, and was not gay had this protest happen to his family, just because he was in the military.

Now I understand the Right to Free Speech and the Right to Free Assembly and what's great in this nation is that you can have an opinion on anything and not be thrown in jail and you can protest anything and not be arrested.  I do like these rights and are happy we have them, unfortunately some people take for granted how and why we got these rights.

If it wasn't for our military fighting for our freedom and protecting us everyday we would most likely be ruled by someone other than ourselves.  These military men and women are heroes, plain and simple, they put their lives on the line everyday knowing full well that they may not see their families ever again or make it home in one piece, yet we have some people who want to protest the government on a social issue at a military funeral of all places.

As far as gays in the military, my stance is this, if your gay, straight, or bi-sexual I can care less.  What you do behind closed doors is none of my business.  If you want to defend our great country, please go ahead, your sexuality preference does not make you a better or worse soldier.  What makes you a hero is that you sacrifice, family, health, well-being to keep us protected from harm's way.  I tip my hat to every military man and woman currently in the armed forces or retired.  You are truly the best of what America has to offer.

As for the idiots who have won the right to protest military funerals, do me a favor, you want to protest, fine, you have the luxury to that because of these brave men and women provide that security blanket.  But do me the favor of doing it on Capital Hill or your state's capital, not at a hero's last resting place.  To quote the movie, "A Few Good Men," "I would rather you just say thank you to these fine men and women and go on your way."

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