Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What Goes Around Comes Around

I find it funny when a retired athlete wants to comeback and play the sport he once was famous for but to hear Tiki Barber's spin on why he wants to comeback is just a bit outrageous!  To say your coming back because "Your twin brother Ronde is having so much fun" is like saying, "That root canal looks like fun, hey can I go next but without the anesthetic."

Let's turn back the clock to 2006, where you were the star running back of the New York Giants, you said in an interview that you knew you wanted to retire from football after the Philadelphia Eagles game in week 2.  Week 2, you had 14 weeks left in the season! You then proceeded to tell the media in week 8, and let your retirement talk become a huge distraction for your teammates and the coaching staff for the rest of the year.  You then called out your coach, Tom Coughlin and your team's quarterback, Eli Manning just to add icing to the cake and propel your career into the broadcast booth! 

Let's fast forward to today, since you retired, the Giants have won a Superbowl without you, the fans of the New York Giants, boo you when your highlights are run on the jumbotron.  You even said that you were the "foil" for the Giants after they won the Superbowl.  You're meteoric rise in the broadcast booth and on the Today Show was short lived because apparently you were fired because of the morality clause in your contract.  (Tiki left his 8-month pregnant wife, who was carrying his twins, for a 23 year-old intern at NBC) and now you are currently looking for work.

Your own former teammate, Antonio Pierce, recently said that you were a "me guy," and that most teams should look in a different direction. After four years of sitting in the tv booth, if you are expecting to play like you did at 31 at the age of 36, you are in for a big wake up call.  An athlete is not like a fine wine, they don't get better with age.

Now I am all for anyone making a buck, God knows I have done many things to do just that, and I also understand being divorced with children, (Tiki has four to support).  But let's tell the truth, you are getting back into football because you need the money!  Not because your brother is having a great time; why not give the excuse I quit on my team back in 2006, and I want to try and do it again to another franchise.  It isn't hard to see, your ex-wife isn't expecting peanuts from you to support your kids.  I hope that you find a job in the NFL and keep it, for your kids sake so that they can be provided for!

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