Tuesday, March 8, 2011

When Sports Gets It Right!

In this world of professional sports of overpaid, spoiled brats and psychotic Little League parents, there are times when sports gets it right.  Last night was one of those nights.

We have all have heard the tragic news of Wes Leonard who at 16 died of cardiac arrest moments after hitting the game winning shot for his basketball team, so they can stay undefeated.  Last night was their Class C first round playoff game between Fennville High (Wes' school) vs.Lawrence, coming four days after Wes' death.

The game was moved to Hope College's campus because of the demand of tickets, a sellout crowd of 3,472 witnessed Fennville beating Lawrence 65-54.  But more than that, they witnessed the most incredible display of compassion and good sportsmanship, which I hope the youth of today will remember.

Both teams came out in t-shirts that said Never Forgotten on the front and Leonard 35 on the back.  The Fennville team had Wes' little brother warm-up with them when they took the floor.  Before the opening tip, Fennville's starters all four of them took the floor with the last spot saved for Wes who was there in spirit.  When the sub came in, the crowd gave a final standing ovation to the memory of Wes Leonard, a young man whose life was taken too soon.

At the end of the game, both teams lined up as they normally do, but this time it was different.  Instead of shaking hands and saying, "Good game," both teams were hugging and crying and not only saying good game, but lending an ear, being a friend, helping their fellow man in this time of tragedy.

Two teams, one game, both showed the nation how sports should be played and how a community of people can overcome!  This is why I love sports, its these days, that shows the strength, compassion, and the hearts of people, athletes, and fans.  This is when sports gets it right.  

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