Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Exercise

My sister-in-law has a friend who is in her early 30's, let's call her Veronica (the names have been changed to protect the guilty) she is helping a male friend let's call him Ray, who is in his early 20's,  lose his virginity.  Personally its been over 20 years since I lost mine and I found this story interesting so I figured I'd share it. (Where were these women when I was desperately trying to lose my virginity).

Needless to say, Ray one day said to Veronica that he was a virgin and would like to lose his virginity to her.   Veronica who is very attractive and is not dating anyone right now, agreed and said she would show him the ropes to the ins and outs of love making (no pun intended). They agreed to do the deed on Saturday night at 8:00pm.

To say Ray was like a kid the night before Christmas would be the understatement of the year,  before he came to Veronica's house, she texted Ray to "Bring a Hat."  Ray being a novice at sex had no clue that "a hat" meant condom.  So before going to Veronica's he went to the pharmacy, where he encountered his next problem, which condoms to buy and what size.

This is how I got involved in the story,  my sister-in-law receives a text from Veronica around 7:00pm telling her about "the hat" comment and then asking her what condoms and what size Ray should buy.  My sister-in-law turns to me and asks me what condoms should Ray buy?

Considering I have never met Ray or know what size he is down there, I suggested lifestyles lubricated, its what I use and you can't go wrong with what works.  I told my sister-in law to relay back to Veronica that he should buy the 12 pack because he probably is going to get off a bit too quickly because its his first time.

 Ray shows up at Veronica's apartment and when she opens the door is expecting to have sex right then and there.  Who could blame him, if I was in his shoes, I would think that too.   Veronica calms him down and says let me finish my drink, at the conclusion of her drink she invites Ray to the bedroom.  Veronica is now on the bed and Ray is standing in the door way, waiting for the okay to come closer.  Veronica tells him that he needs to get on the bed to make this happen.  Veronica and Ray proceed to have mad, passionate sex for an hour and a half.  Ray never climaxes during this trist and gives Veronica the exercise of her life.

Veronica obviously orgasmed a couple of times from what I hear and immediately wanted to become f***buddies with Ray immediately if not sooner.  Ray went from novice virgin to instant stud in an hour and a half.  I tip my cap to Ray because not only did he knock it out of the park but now has Veronica pining for him.

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