Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Time to Grow Up

I remember a time 20 years ago exactly, when all I thought about was drinking, and partying and trying to get laid.  Let me re-phrase I still think about getting laid ( I am a man after all) but its just to my wife, but I don't drink as much as I used to and I've grown up.  I am happily married and have 3 kids and have a good job.  I can't fathom what Charlie Sheen is doing and the example he is setting for his kids. 

Its been over 20 years since I went to college and my biggest worry and care then was where I was going to get drunk and which young lady was I going to try and hook up with.  I emphasize the word "try" because I wasn't always successful. 

Charlie Sheen is living the life of a 20 year-old at 45, he has tons of money and fame and is living the life of "sex, drugs, and rock n' roll." Or should I use the current phrase "Living the Sheen". Not that there is anything wrong with that.  God knows in my 20s, I tried doing the same thing except I didn't have the fame or bank roll of Charlie.  But at 45, its sad.  He is a successful actor who has never grown up.  He has never been given boundaries or limits and is shocked and angry when someone tries to reel him, recently his longtime publicist, Stan Rosenfield resigned from representing him.  Warning, when your publicist quits, you have some type of problem that he can't put a positive spin on.

As a father, I worry about his four children and the example he is setting for them.  I don't understand how DYFS or any other organization that helps children who are in a bad parenting situation, can not step in and take his kids away from him, he is a drug addict and is currently living with two porn stars.   He is a train wreck and fails to see it.  Anybody who claims they have "tiger blood" and "the DNA of an adonis" is definitely not dealing with reality.   This is a man who almost died of a drug overdose in 1998. 

What message are you sending to your kids by your actions, "Drugs are Ok!", "Porn Stars are great babysitters, they just cost a little more!", "Its perfectly okay to quit on your high paying job if they don't let you do what you want!" 

You currently are the highest paid television actor earning 1.8 million dollars an episode, which is a joke because all you do is act, you don't save lives like doctors,  protect people like policemen and firemen or anyone of the men and women who serve in the armed forces.  Do you honestly think the producers from "Two and a Half Men" are going to give you a raise for your actions?  If you lived and worked in reality, you would have been fired and would be on unemployment for a long, long time.

Charlie, I like you and the movies you have been in (Wall Street, Major League, Platoon, Eight Men Out, Hot Shots).  I think you are talented, but you need to clean up, sober up, and get back on the path of normalcy.  Robert Downey, Jr. once acted and lived like you did, but turned his life around, over a decade ago and has become one of the best modern actors.  I am afraid if you don't turn your life around, you are going to be dead from drugs and a punchline.

To quote the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13:11, "When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things."  Charlie, this is your life calling, Grow up!

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