Friday, May 20, 2011

Its the end of the world as we know it...

Well apparently the world is going to end tomorrow at 6pm EST.  I just wanted to say that if you are taking this seriously, that you need to check yourself into the nearest mental institution.  That people are really preparing for this is proposterous. 

The last rapture that was suppossed to happen was October 28, 1992, I think its safe to say that we came out of that okay.  The world was also supposed to end on January 1, 2000, does everybody remember the Y2K bug, that was supposed to destroy the world and leave it in the dark ages?  Yeah, that didn't happen either.

My point is everyone is eventually is going to die, just not everyone tomorrow, or just the select few, because I am sure someone is going to die tomorrow, just like every day, but not millions of people at once. 

If you are scared of death, don't be, be scared of not living life to its fullest, because you only go around once and this isn't a dress rehersal.  Do the things you have always wanted to do, change things that you want to change, be the person you have always wanted to be! 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

nick's random thoughts: Least Productive Work Day!

nick's random thoughts: Least Productive Work Day!: "Most people think that Monday or Friday is the least productive work day of the week, the actual answer is the Monday after the NCAA bracket..."

Least Productive Work Day!

Most people think that Monday or Friday is the least productive work day of the week, the actual answer is the Monday after the NCAA brackets have been released.  Apparently everyone in the nation is worried about choosing the right winner and analyzing their brackets rather than concentrating on their current job.

Personally, I believe all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy (from The Shining), but its true, I know I am in a bunch of NCAA pools, and even run one.  I love this time of year and work can't get in the way of this process.  This is important, there is money on the line, reputations to protect.  I can't lose to my wife in my NCAA pool again, with her, "I like this team because I've been to this state." "I like this team because it rhymes with my name, I like this team because of the colors of the school."  I must redeem myself!

Corporations, jobs, employers should understand that tomorrow don't expect me or a lot of other people to get alot of work done.  Now if you excuse me, I have to fill out my bracket and pray to God that I beat my wife in the NCAA pool this year!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

nick's random thoughts: Killing the Golden Goose!

nick's random thoughts: Killing the Golden Goose!: "Its been 24 years since the last labor dispute of the NFL between the owners and the players, and since that time the NFL has become the num..."

Killing the Golden Goose!

Its been 24 years since the last labor dispute of the NFL between the owners and the players, and since that time the NFL has become the number one sport in America , even surpassing baseball as the national past time.

Yesterday, the owners and the players took the first big step in killing the Golden Goose!  The NFL makes 9 billion dollars a year on its revenue.  The biggest issue between the owners and the players is how to share one billion dollars between them. Now I know there are other issues, such as an 18 game schedule, rookie salary cap and so on and so forth.  But the heart of the issue is the money, as it always is.

In a society, where athletes get paid tons of money to play a kid's sport, I think we have lost our way.  Owners and players of the NFL, do you really think I won't be able to move on with my life if there is no professional football in the fall?  The answer is yes, I will.  Let me state that I am a huge football fan, (pro, college, high school) it doesn't matter.  If I want my football fix, I will watch a college game on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday or I will go to my local high school football game and watch the kids play for the love of the game!  On Sundays, I will relax with my friends and family along with milions of other people in America and not worry about out of work millionaires and billionaires who are losing millions because of the lockout.  All the while, saving money in my pocket, a pretezel at a high school game costs me $1, rather than $4 at my local professional stadium.

What the NFL should worry about is the fans and how the sport will be viewed when eventually the players do come back and play.  If you think fans forget, let me give you a history lesson. In 1994, baseball called off its World Series. Baseball came back in 1995, and it took a home-run race in 1998 between Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire, to really bring baseball back to where it was.  As a fan, I did not go to a professional baseball game until 1999.  It was my own form of personal protest towards baseball.

If the NFL does miss games this 2011 season, they are going to have to make it up to the fans in a big way! I just hope the fans don't come running back, because othewise its like taking back an ex-girlfriend after she cheated on you with all of your friends.  This is how you get back at the NFL, don't show up to a game, don't buy their products, that is the only way you will get them to listen! Bottomline, you are their customer not the other way around, and without customers, you have a failing business.  The NFL needs you more than you need them!  It needs to be reminded of that!

I have a suggestion on what to do with that billion dollars that the owners and players can't share, give it to Japan for all their clean up costs, they can use it!  They certainly will be grateful unlike you selfish brats!

nick's random thoughts: Time to Grow Up

nick's random thoughts: Time to Grow Up: "I remember a time 20 years ago exactly, when all I thought about was drinking, and partying and trying to get laid. Let me re-phrase I..."

nick's random thoughts: The Blanket That They Provide!

nick's random thoughts: The Blanket That They Provide!: "I read in the newspaper today, that people are protesting military funerals now because of the armed forces stance on Gays in the Military.&..."