Friday, May 20, 2011

Its the end of the world as we know it...

Well apparently the world is going to end tomorrow at 6pm EST.  I just wanted to say that if you are taking this seriously, that you need to check yourself into the nearest mental institution.  That people are really preparing for this is proposterous. 

The last rapture that was suppossed to happen was October 28, 1992, I think its safe to say that we came out of that okay.  The world was also supposed to end on January 1, 2000, does everybody remember the Y2K bug, that was supposed to destroy the world and leave it in the dark ages?  Yeah, that didn't happen either.

My point is everyone is eventually is going to die, just not everyone tomorrow, or just the select few, because I am sure someone is going to die tomorrow, just like every day, but not millions of people at once. 

If you are scared of death, don't be, be scared of not living life to its fullest, because you only go around once and this isn't a dress rehersal.  Do the things you have always wanted to do, change things that you want to change, be the person you have always wanted to be! 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

nick's random thoughts: Least Productive Work Day!

nick's random thoughts: Least Productive Work Day!: "Most people think that Monday or Friday is the least productive work day of the week, the actual answer is the Monday after the NCAA bracket..."

Least Productive Work Day!

Most people think that Monday or Friday is the least productive work day of the week, the actual answer is the Monday after the NCAA brackets have been released.  Apparently everyone in the nation is worried about choosing the right winner and analyzing their brackets rather than concentrating on their current job.

Personally, I believe all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy (from The Shining), but its true, I know I am in a bunch of NCAA pools, and even run one.  I love this time of year and work can't get in the way of this process.  This is important, there is money on the line, reputations to protect.  I can't lose to my wife in my NCAA pool again, with her, "I like this team because I've been to this state." "I like this team because it rhymes with my name, I like this team because of the colors of the school."  I must redeem myself!

Corporations, jobs, employers should understand that tomorrow don't expect me or a lot of other people to get alot of work done.  Now if you excuse me, I have to fill out my bracket and pray to God that I beat my wife in the NCAA pool this year!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

nick's random thoughts: Killing the Golden Goose!

nick's random thoughts: Killing the Golden Goose!: "Its been 24 years since the last labor dispute of the NFL between the owners and the players, and since that time the NFL has become the num..."

Killing the Golden Goose!

Its been 24 years since the last labor dispute of the NFL between the owners and the players, and since that time the NFL has become the number one sport in America , even surpassing baseball as the national past time.

Yesterday, the owners and the players took the first big step in killing the Golden Goose!  The NFL makes 9 billion dollars a year on its revenue.  The biggest issue between the owners and the players is how to share one billion dollars between them. Now I know there are other issues, such as an 18 game schedule, rookie salary cap and so on and so forth.  But the heart of the issue is the money, as it always is.

In a society, where athletes get paid tons of money to play a kid's sport, I think we have lost our way.  Owners and players of the NFL, do you really think I won't be able to move on with my life if there is no professional football in the fall?  The answer is yes, I will.  Let me state that I am a huge football fan, (pro, college, high school) it doesn't matter.  If I want my football fix, I will watch a college game on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday or I will go to my local high school football game and watch the kids play for the love of the game!  On Sundays, I will relax with my friends and family along with milions of other people in America and not worry about out of work millionaires and billionaires who are losing millions because of the lockout.  All the while, saving money in my pocket, a pretezel at a high school game costs me $1, rather than $4 at my local professional stadium.

What the NFL should worry about is the fans and how the sport will be viewed when eventually the players do come back and play.  If you think fans forget, let me give you a history lesson. In 1994, baseball called off its World Series. Baseball came back in 1995, and it took a home-run race in 1998 between Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire, to really bring baseball back to where it was.  As a fan, I did not go to a professional baseball game until 1999.  It was my own form of personal protest towards baseball.

If the NFL does miss games this 2011 season, they are going to have to make it up to the fans in a big way! I just hope the fans don't come running back, because othewise its like taking back an ex-girlfriend after she cheated on you with all of your friends.  This is how you get back at the NFL, don't show up to a game, don't buy their products, that is the only way you will get them to listen! Bottomline, you are their customer not the other way around, and without customers, you have a failing business.  The NFL needs you more than you need them!  It needs to be reminded of that!

I have a suggestion on what to do with that billion dollars that the owners and players can't share, give it to Japan for all their clean up costs, they can use it!  They certainly will be grateful unlike you selfish brats!

nick's random thoughts: Time to Grow Up

nick's random thoughts: Time to Grow Up: "I remember a time 20 years ago exactly, when all I thought about was drinking, and partying and trying to get laid. Let me re-phrase I..."

nick's random thoughts: The Blanket That They Provide!

nick's random thoughts: The Blanket That They Provide!: "I read in the newspaper today, that people are protesting military funerals now because of the armed forces stance on Gays in the Military.&..."

nick's random thoughts: When Sports Gets It Right!

nick's random thoughts: When Sports Gets It Right!: "In this world of professional sports of overpaid, spoiled brats and psychotic Little League parents, there are times when sports gets it rig..."

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What Goes Around Comes Around

I find it funny when a retired athlete wants to comeback and play the sport he once was famous for but to hear Tiki Barber's spin on why he wants to comeback is just a bit outrageous!  To say your coming back because "Your twin brother Ronde is having so much fun" is like saying, "That root canal looks like fun, hey can I go next but without the anesthetic."

Let's turn back the clock to 2006, where you were the star running back of the New York Giants, you said in an interview that you knew you wanted to retire from football after the Philadelphia Eagles game in week 2.  Week 2, you had 14 weeks left in the season! You then proceeded to tell the media in week 8, and let your retirement talk become a huge distraction for your teammates and the coaching staff for the rest of the year.  You then called out your coach, Tom Coughlin and your team's quarterback, Eli Manning just to add icing to the cake and propel your career into the broadcast booth! 

Let's fast forward to today, since you retired, the Giants have won a Superbowl without you, the fans of the New York Giants, boo you when your highlights are run on the jumbotron.  You even said that you were the "foil" for the Giants after they won the Superbowl.  You're meteoric rise in the broadcast booth and on the Today Show was short lived because apparently you were fired because of the morality clause in your contract.  (Tiki left his 8-month pregnant wife, who was carrying his twins, for a 23 year-old intern at NBC) and now you are currently looking for work.

Your own former teammate, Antonio Pierce, recently said that you were a "me guy," and that most teams should look in a different direction. After four years of sitting in the tv booth, if you are expecting to play like you did at 31 at the age of 36, you are in for a big wake up call.  An athlete is not like a fine wine, they don't get better with age.

Now I am all for anyone making a buck, God knows I have done many things to do just that, and I also understand being divorced with children, (Tiki has four to support).  But let's tell the truth, you are getting back into football because you need the money!  Not because your brother is having a great time; why not give the excuse I quit on my team back in 2006, and I want to try and do it again to another franchise.  It isn't hard to see, your ex-wife isn't expecting peanuts from you to support your kids.  I hope that you find a job in the NFL and keep it, for your kids sake so that they can be provided for!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

When Sports Gets It Right!

In this world of professional sports of overpaid, spoiled brats and psychotic Little League parents, there are times when sports gets it right.  Last night was one of those nights.

We have all have heard the tragic news of Wes Leonard who at 16 died of cardiac arrest moments after hitting the game winning shot for his basketball team, so they can stay undefeated.  Last night was their Class C first round playoff game between Fennville High (Wes' school) vs.Lawrence, coming four days after Wes' death.

The game was moved to Hope College's campus because of the demand of tickets, a sellout crowd of 3,472 witnessed Fennville beating Lawrence 65-54.  But more than that, they witnessed the most incredible display of compassion and good sportsmanship, which I hope the youth of today will remember.

Both teams came out in t-shirts that said Never Forgotten on the front and Leonard 35 on the back.  The Fennville team had Wes' little brother warm-up with them when they took the floor.  Before the opening tip, Fennville's starters all four of them took the floor with the last spot saved for Wes who was there in spirit.  When the sub came in, the crowd gave a final standing ovation to the memory of Wes Leonard, a young man whose life was taken too soon.

At the end of the game, both teams lined up as they normally do, but this time it was different.  Instead of shaking hands and saying, "Good game," both teams were hugging and crying and not only saying good game, but lending an ear, being a friend, helping their fellow man in this time of tragedy.

Two teams, one game, both showed the nation how sports should be played and how a community of people can overcome!  This is why I love sports, its these days, that shows the strength, compassion, and the hearts of people, athletes, and fans.  This is when sports gets it right.  

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Blanket That They Provide!

I read in the newspaper today, that people are protesting military funerals now because of the armed forces stance on Gays in the Military.  People are protesting from 1,000 yards away soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice, with signs that say "Thank God For Dead Soldiers, and God Hates Fags".   A young man who was laid to rest yesterday, and was not gay had this protest happen to his family, just because he was in the military.

Now I understand the Right to Free Speech and the Right to Free Assembly and what's great in this nation is that you can have an opinion on anything and not be thrown in jail and you can protest anything and not be arrested.  I do like these rights and are happy we have them, unfortunately some people take for granted how and why we got these rights.

If it wasn't for our military fighting for our freedom and protecting us everyday we would most likely be ruled by someone other than ourselves.  These military men and women are heroes, plain and simple, they put their lives on the line everyday knowing full well that they may not see their families ever again or make it home in one piece, yet we have some people who want to protest the government on a social issue at a military funeral of all places.

As far as gays in the military, my stance is this, if your gay, straight, or bi-sexual I can care less.  What you do behind closed doors is none of my business.  If you want to defend our great country, please go ahead, your sexuality preference does not make you a better or worse soldier.  What makes you a hero is that you sacrifice, family, health, well-being to keep us protected from harm's way.  I tip my hat to every military man and woman currently in the armed forces or retired.  You are truly the best of what America has to offer.

As for the idiots who have won the right to protest military funerals, do me a favor, you want to protest, fine, you have the luxury to that because of these brave men and women provide that security blanket.  But do me the favor of doing it on Capital Hill or your state's capital, not at a hero's last resting place.  To quote the movie, "A Few Good Men," "I would rather you just say thank you to these fine men and women and go on your way."

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Time to Grow Up

I remember a time 20 years ago exactly, when all I thought about was drinking, and partying and trying to get laid.  Let me re-phrase I still think about getting laid ( I am a man after all) but its just to my wife, but I don't drink as much as I used to and I've grown up.  I am happily married and have 3 kids and have a good job.  I can't fathom what Charlie Sheen is doing and the example he is setting for his kids. 

Its been over 20 years since I went to college and my biggest worry and care then was where I was going to get drunk and which young lady was I going to try and hook up with.  I emphasize the word "try" because I wasn't always successful. 

Charlie Sheen is living the life of a 20 year-old at 45, he has tons of money and fame and is living the life of "sex, drugs, and rock n' roll." Or should I use the current phrase "Living the Sheen". Not that there is anything wrong with that.  God knows in my 20s, I tried doing the same thing except I didn't have the fame or bank roll of Charlie.  But at 45, its sad.  He is a successful actor who has never grown up.  He has never been given boundaries or limits and is shocked and angry when someone tries to reel him, recently his longtime publicist, Stan Rosenfield resigned from representing him.  Warning, when your publicist quits, you have some type of problem that he can't put a positive spin on.

As a father, I worry about his four children and the example he is setting for them.  I don't understand how DYFS or any other organization that helps children who are in a bad parenting situation, can not step in and take his kids away from him, he is a drug addict and is currently living with two porn stars.   He is a train wreck and fails to see it.  Anybody who claims they have "tiger blood" and "the DNA of an adonis" is definitely not dealing with reality.   This is a man who almost died of a drug overdose in 1998. 

What message are you sending to your kids by your actions, "Drugs are Ok!", "Porn Stars are great babysitters, they just cost a little more!", "Its perfectly okay to quit on your high paying job if they don't let you do what you want!" 

You currently are the highest paid television actor earning 1.8 million dollars an episode, which is a joke because all you do is act, you don't save lives like doctors,  protect people like policemen and firemen or anyone of the men and women who serve in the armed forces.  Do you honestly think the producers from "Two and a Half Men" are going to give you a raise for your actions?  If you lived and worked in reality, you would have been fired and would be on unemployment for a long, long time.

Charlie, I like you and the movies you have been in (Wall Street, Major League, Platoon, Eight Men Out, Hot Shots).  I think you are talented, but you need to clean up, sober up, and get back on the path of normalcy.  Robert Downey, Jr. once acted and lived like you did, but turned his life around, over a decade ago and has become one of the best modern actors.  I am afraid if you don't turn your life around, you are going to be dead from drugs and a punchline.

To quote the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13:11, "When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things."  Charlie, this is your life calling, Grow up!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Fixing Something That is Broken

I know, I know Oscar Night is over and everybody at work at the water cooler has talked about it to death and its now a dead issue. But I might as well add my two cents before midnight hits and then its no longer topical anymore.
I thought the show was good but somethings need to be cleaned up for next year's show.  First, the Academy may want to find a host that wants to be there.  James Franco looked high and that he wanted to do algebra problems rather than host the Oscars.  Dude, you get paid an exorbitant amount of money to act and host and you seemed to be indifferent hosting the show.  My shrubs outside of my house showed more excitement than you.   Please do us a favor, don't host again, Ever!!!

This morning I heard that Franco snubbed his own Oscar Party to go back to New York.  I don't understand the logic, was it that painful to host?  Are they torturing you backstage?  I know you didn't do a good job hosting but if you screw up, do the manly thing and get piss drunk!  People in Hollywood would expect it, appreciate it, and most likely understand it.  Plus, you are throwing an Oscar party, people showed up at your party (Kevin Spacey), enjoy, mingle, network, work the room, Live the Sheen! (pun intended to Charlie, who is a quote machine, right now.) You are coming off an Academy Award Nomination, you could get more roles, better roles other than General Hospital.

Anne Hathaway was excellent and she is pretty easy on the eyes, and she also showed something Franco did not, enthusiasm.  I loved her outfits and how she did make fun of herself, talking about her nude scene in Love and Other Drugs, and not receiving a nomination.  (Note to self: go see Love and Other Drugs, leave after nude scene).  Hopefully they will bring Anne Hathaway back (solo).

I know I am going to catch some crap for this next observation, but let me say that I love Kirk Douglas' movies.  (Spartacus, Champion, Seven Days in May, The Vikings).  He is a legend and I don't like to see legends tarnish their image.  Mr. Douglas has gone through a lot suffering a stroke, learning how to talk again, and I respect him as a person and an actor, but does the Academy need to tarnish him like they did.  He had trouble speaking and the audience had trouble understanding him.  Like most people who are elderly, he kept on rambling, and rambling and it got uncomfortable while waiting for him to say who the Best Supporting Actress was.  The Academy should have done what they have done in years past and had Christoph Waltz (the Best Supporting Actor from 2010) introduce the Best Supporting Actress category.  It would have been less painful and more appropriate and would have followed Oscar tradition.  Academy please don't do that to Mr. Douglas again, he is a legend, and should be treated like one! 

To the Academy, please fix these items, if you want me to watch your telecast next year, thanks for your cooperation in advance!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Double Standard

First of all I would like to start out by saying I am not a big political idealist, but lately what I am seeing with the union busting in this country is incomprehensible.  Yesterday, my family and I were traveling back home and were in Houston International Airport waiting for our flight. 

On the big screen TV, CNN was on and the story was how Providence, Rhode Island fired a bunch of teachers.  This was the second state in many days (Wisconsin being the first), that wants to cut public employees, now I know there are bad teachers out there.  Just like in any job in the world, you have good and bad at pretty much any position, and I know politicians are annoyed with tenure and that you have a job, no matter what within reason (obviously you can't hit a student and use the tenure card and expect to have a job let alone keep your teaching license).  But bad teachers didn't become bad over time, they were probably bad to begin with, if their specific district granted them tenure than that is on the district. 

Am I saying that bad teachers should not be accountable, absolutely not.  If they are a bad teacher, then freeze their pay for the following year, get them better training, meet with them twice a month, go over their lessonplans and ask them what are you trying to do to reach your students, how about helping the bad teachers out and coaching them, show them what you want, don't judge them by test scores, which has now become the norm apparently for judging what a good teacher is and what isn't. 

My problem isn't trying to remove the bad teacher, my problem is with the politicians who like to compare their public employees to weathermen (Governor Christie from NJ).  I find it hard to believe that you need to cut the salaries if teachers, cops, and firemen who are averaging $50,000-$60,000, when the governor, of some of these states are making $175,000-$200,000.  Now I am not a math genius, but if you are making three times as much as your state employees and are saying we need to cut government employees salaries because benefits are too high and costing the state too much money to cover them, than something is very wrong with you. 

Last time I checked, most teachers, cops, and firemen do not live in mansions,  unlike most governors in this country.  The governors were elected by the people, and are supposed to be helping the people especially the families who have a two income household, or a single parent family, not the wealthy.    If you are a governor and you are reading this, why not lead by example and you take a pay cut.  Mayor Bloomburg of New York City, his salary is $1.  The moment you do that, then I will listen to your idea of how to cut jobs and benefits and so on...Till then stop bashing our public employees, they work hard, and they do their best everyday.  The police and the firemen put their lives on the line every day.  The teachers work with all types of students, motivated and unmotivated and get them to learn.  They don't have the luxury to fire them, or not teach them that day.  They may only work for 10 months of the year, but they only get paid for 10 months of the year, most of them have to find a second job, like tutoring, and coaching, and a summer job, so they can survive.  Most of the firemen, I know all have a second job so they can make ends meet.

The problem as I see it isn't the government employees its the guys at the top of the food chain who want to use the rule of "Do as I say, not as I do."  Do me a favor, the next time you walk into your huge office, remember that some public employee, (teacher, policemen, firemen) either taught you or protected you so you could rise to this office that you now hold.  I would much rather you say "Thank you," than attacking the people who thought you weren't a waste of their precious time!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Exercise

My sister-in-law has a friend who is in her early 30's, let's call her Veronica (the names have been changed to protect the guilty) she is helping a male friend let's call him Ray, who is in his early 20's,  lose his virginity.  Personally its been over 20 years since I lost mine and I found this story interesting so I figured I'd share it. (Where were these women when I was desperately trying to lose my virginity).

Needless to say, Ray one day said to Veronica that he was a virgin and would like to lose his virginity to her.   Veronica who is very attractive and is not dating anyone right now, agreed and said she would show him the ropes to the ins and outs of love making (no pun intended). They agreed to do the deed on Saturday night at 8:00pm.

To say Ray was like a kid the night before Christmas would be the understatement of the year,  before he came to Veronica's house, she texted Ray to "Bring a Hat."  Ray being a novice at sex had no clue that "a hat" meant condom.  So before going to Veronica's he went to the pharmacy, where he encountered his next problem, which condoms to buy and what size.

This is how I got involved in the story,  my sister-in-law receives a text from Veronica around 7:00pm telling her about "the hat" comment and then asking her what condoms and what size Ray should buy.  My sister-in-law turns to me and asks me what condoms should Ray buy?

Considering I have never met Ray or know what size he is down there, I suggested lifestyles lubricated, its what I use and you can't go wrong with what works.  I told my sister-in law to relay back to Veronica that he should buy the 12 pack because he probably is going to get off a bit too quickly because its his first time.

 Ray shows up at Veronica's apartment and when she opens the door is expecting to have sex right then and there.  Who could blame him, if I was in his shoes, I would think that too.   Veronica calms him down and says let me finish my drink, at the conclusion of her drink she invites Ray to the bedroom.  Veronica is now on the bed and Ray is standing in the door way, waiting for the okay to come closer.  Veronica tells him that he needs to get on the bed to make this happen.  Veronica and Ray proceed to have mad, passionate sex for an hour and a half.  Ray never climaxes during this trist and gives Veronica the exercise of her life.

Veronica obviously orgasmed a couple of times from what I hear and immediately wanted to become f***buddies with Ray immediately if not sooner.  Ray went from novice virgin to instant stud in an hour and a half.  I tip my cap to Ray because not only did he knock it out of the park but now has Veronica pining for him.